In the article “The Failure of the Profit Motive” Kenneth Lux insists on
a necessity of introduction in the economy conception differ then “profit
motive”. By “profit motive” the author means human believing that an economic
growth is unlimited and increasing of the capital is of the first rank
objective for an economy subjects. The author denies this theory by means of
impossibility theorem, which states that, a subsystem (economy) of the closed
system (ecosystem) can not be boundless. Lux overcomes Solow’s statement that
the world can effectively develop without natural resources by stating that
this thesis is based on the lowering of the share of resources in products and
this fact, according to Lux is due to increasing of efficient use of resources.
Lux stands against Hertsgaard’s “Global Green Deal” and diverging to clean
economy of hydrogen and not changing human’s nature suggested by Cashman. In
particular the author says that the first is sort of restatement of profit
motive and the second conception is unacceptable due to impossibility of
utilization of hydrogen energy and false statement that people in this clean
economy will not be required to change. Further the author comes up with
thought that people are disposed to successful development without profit
motive via first, limiting of the needs and second, find an alternative to
self-interest. Lux suggests common good and social welfare to self-interest
emphasizing that examples of common good are present in our everyday life.
At the end of the article Lux suggests measures to introduce a society
of the common good and social interests. The transformation from the economy of
profits to economy of society has to be implemented by binding maximal and
minimal wages and converse economy to non-profit. This according to the article
will abandon equity markets, where will be no stock holders, bank will become
non-profit, possibility of enrichment by investment will be excluded. All these
will introduce sustainability in economy instead of profit motive.
If consider these ideas objectively the first comes to critical and
inquisitive enough mind is: does this going to work, is it not a utopia? Lux
says it will be the economy of sustainability but it looks that it will be an
economy of stagnation. The author blames profit motive and growth for being
impossible permanently, although nobody claims that infinite growth is
essential for humankind – in economy as in nature everything is balanced. If
some unbalanced process appears system self-regulates by different kinds of
crises and changes within the economic system whether sharp and shocking or
mild and moderate – that is development. The economic is a diverse as well as
society, to measure everything and everyone using the same measure is not
socialism, as Lux writes, it is even worse, it is communism. The principle of
the wage linkage kills any incentive to progress and improvement. Lux states that
common good will become an incentive to development. But common good is
interesting for people only to some threshold which could be measured by a tax
a person is willing to pay, time she/he agrees to devote to public work,
eventually by mental peculiarities.
In conclusion it would be fair to mention that ideas presented in this
article are itself utopia and even grains of true in it could not change total
picture. Yes, economy can not grow infinitely, but who said it is pivotal
moment of the present world economy and our society.