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Technology transfer efficiency for developing countries
[ Скачати з сервера (69.5 Kb) ] 16.04.2009, 14:59

Technology transfer efficiency for developing countries


This paper aims to come up with a well grounded position on the issue of technology transfer. Two main opinions are compared by comparing possible position presented in sources analyzed in the work. The first idea stands for unconditional benefits of technology transfer and the second questions the possibly of this transfer arguing that transferor due to external effects won’t be willing to transfer. The paper concludes that technology transfer will be the most useful policy for the developing country while combined with investment into its R&D sector since the goal of technology transfer is to bring the developing country to the level it can produce its own technology. To accomplish this task sole copying is not enough, it requires development of R&D in the developing country.


1.       Cusumano, M. A., & Elenkov, D. (1992, January 10). Linking International Technology Transfer with Strategy and Management: A Literature Commentary. Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School.

2.       Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (1998). International technology transfer and the technology gap. Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 55, 369–398.

3.       Kabiraj, T., & Marjit, S. (1993). International Technology Transfer Under Potential Threat of Entry: A Cornot-Nash Framework. Journal of Development Economics , 42, 75-88.

4.       Kabiraj, T., & Marjit, S. (2003). Protecting consumers through protection: The role of tariff-induced technology transfer. European Economic Review , 47, 113-124.

5.       Komoda, F. (1986, December). Japanese Studies on Technology Transfer to Developing Countries: A Survey. The Developing Economies , 405-420.

6.       Krugman, P. (1979). A Model of Innovation,Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income. The Journal of Political Economy , 87 (2), 253-266.

7.       Taylor, S. M. (1993, August). TRIPS,Trade, and Technology Transfer. Canadian Journal of Economics , 625-637.

Категорія: Academic Writing | Додав(ла): volfy
Переглядів: 1180 | Завантажень: 237
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