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Academic Writing
Here I will place my summaries, critical summaries and other stuff I were suppose to write during the course "Academic Writing"
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It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books”. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowled
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:10
I like books very much. But I value knowledge earned by doing something more. Books are good advisors and good books are excellent teachers, but they good for study only in our first steps to knowledge. And further step we must to do, using our book-knowledge, with our hand, our minds. That means that book-knowledge is only base for developing real knowledge. Instead life knowledge is knowledge we enrich every day. Experience earned knowledge is proper for our life. Problem we solved during practice are more complicated and at last we remember our mistakes for time more long then rules from books highlighted or marked “Nota bene”.
There are a lot of things I learned from books including some practice skills I gained only throughout reading books. In particular my school wasn’t equipped with computer, I read computer literature and when I saw computer for the first time I was able to do some actions using mice and keyboard. But after I work with computer I realized that there are a lot of things I would never read in book.
That doesn’t mean we must throw all books away. Books as I stated is foundation of our forward knowledge. No one outstanding and wise scientist become such great without reading books, just traveling, tasting all stuff to see and touch let’s say they didn’t just spinning around to say after few year “I am great”. No they also started reading books and their first I suppose was fairy-tales. The main thing this paragraph is emphasize that books are important.
Now go to experienced knowledge. We should say that our experience gained knowledge is approved by life and we could say it is right. When we do something for the first time we don’t know anything about, except may be our book-knowledge. We don’t know that is object or process like, that problem can rise during our work. And first time of doing something we would remember. Anther aspect people remember their mistakes exactly. My brother told about one case happened with him in theatre after play. When he was wearing with his girl-friend near wardrobe, woman who was were make remark why he doesn’t helped to wear his girl-friend. Now he always do it, and I suppose will do it always in future. We see practice things which we do tend to be remembered by our mind rather then texts we have read.
For the end I want to state that we can not say about better way to study from books or from experience. Studying is complex process and we must approach to it from different sides, in this process valuable will be combining all available methods. Because book-knowledge completing experience-knowledge or vice versa.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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