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Мої есе для TOEFL'a
Есе,які я писав коли готувався до здачі TOEFL
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Academic Writing
Here I will place my summaries, critical summaries and other stuff I were suppose to write during the course "Academic Writing"
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People attend college and university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge).
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:02
For my opinion main reason people attend high education institutions is career preparation. But also young people go to university following other reasons like they want to increase their know-ledge, just for fun and for new experience, even often parents force their child enter the college or university.
As were stated above, main, and I think right goal of continuing education in high school is ca-reer preparation. Because any way we are people and all of us aimed to comfortable, interesting and pleasure life. And since high educated person can choose better job, at last ability to career increasing interesting and able fill our life with some variety and intrigue. You may object saying that many people work in complete different brunch then they study for. In this case another reason plays. These reasons always present in our life and this reasons restricted below. But most people study for future career.
Another worth reason is to increase people’s knowledge and new experience. I connect these reasons as they go alongside and are common. Often this reason touch the high spiritual people, they mostly study history, philosophy, may be literature. I know one girl, she likes mountain hiking so she enter the Faculty of Tourism and enjoy her study. Another example is my philosophy lecturer. He likes speech like “be or not to be“or “are we really alive or our life is dream”, likes the philosophy and that’s all.
The worst cause of study is by parents force but it’s real so we must mention it. I mean that of-ten parents want their child become a doctor, lawyer or, as was with my acquaintance, a priest and child have no desire to have such profession. As I mentioned my acquaintance he finished Spirit Seminary and just wasted 5 year of his life. But some times it makes good for child listen to his or her parents so is in case child doesn’t know that he wants.
So we viewed main cause to study at the university or at the college but we must state there’s not full list of reasons to enter or not enter the high school. There’s as much reasons as people in a world.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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