I have always thought that students should be at the classes. I explained my position using my subjective reasons. But recently I saw again film “Beautiful mind” about one of the best mathematician in 20th century. I saw that even without visiting classes student can achieve considerable results. So I reviewed my point of view. I recalled some boring lectures I used to visit in university. I realized, that was wasting of my time since I had to hit the books from the beginning, class I attend didn’t offered me even basic information. That’s why now I think that student should choose either go or not to go to the classes. Than I was younger I thought that visiting lectures should compulsory. In my previous opinion student doesn’t know what he must learn in which sequence and how he must memorize or understand material offered by tutor. Also I thought student have to study and visiting classes is his first-rank appointment. And student can’t gain real knowledge only from lectures. That was little bit outmoded and conservative. Now I know that process of studying depend not only on our presence on the lecture but our attitude towards studying. If I want to learn something I will do it and nothing can stop me, right. On another hand we have restrictions given by classical theory. If we will attend classes we will become stuffed with old opinions and people alike can’t rise against old thoughts which can really push back progress. Creative and clever people know how obtain knowledge by themselves. Let’s approach to this question another way. Things which we learn outside the classroom and in addition we want to learn them will be learned much better. Because when we study by ourselves we led our thoughts and remember connections and cause-result relations. As a result we learn that is inside of theory, we really know it, and besides we learn how to study. Anyway if we glance through the thoughts I’ve laid out above neither I nor you can not say student should attend classes obligatory or should not attend them obligatory. Since process of learning is very complicated our ways of learning should vary distinctly. That means that students should be very attentive in studying. They should visit lessons but if it is useless they should be able to find new methods of study, for instance self-study. Summarizing all stated above I inclined to freedom of student in their ways to study. But as we know wide freedom obligate with great responses for this freedom. That’s why I think students can study how they want if eventually they will know subject of learn.