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Мої есе для TOEFL'a
Есе,які я писав коли готувався до здачі TOEFL
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Academic Writing
Here I will place my summaries, critical summaries and other stuff I were suppose to write during the course "Academic Writing"
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“When people succeed, it is because hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success”. Do you agree or disagree with the question above? Use s
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:19
The question given above has variety of answers and can be supported by amount of life examples. Thus all of examples which can be emphasized would fair and as good that examples would support opposite positions. I realize that where lots of people with incredible luck is. They can do nothing for achieve something and they got that aim someone hard working for it can’t achieve that during his life, doing nothing. They just come in place they should be in time they should be and takes their chance. But as for me I thing nothing is free, we should work for our dreams or goals. And work hard.
Some people gives up after next failure saying that is not mine or frequently there is bad luck for me to do that job. For example my friend is found of in volleyball. He had a dream to play in university team; he went to coach and heard that he is not tall enough. But my friend didn’t give up; he had train a lot in jumping and in technique of volleyball playing. And after two month friend of mine wear the t-shirt of university’s team. That is example how people can achieve goal with hard work and great desire to reach that goal. And often hear from acquaintance that world is unfair toward them they can not find nice job, but after I got answer for question that have they done for finding better job, where have they seek it, I understood they haven’t even look for this job. As wisdom says”Under laying stone water don’t fall”.
In our life we observed numbers of example of achievement success, and there we can notice different proportion of luck and work there. There are examples when millions fall into people who undeserved it, for example rich uncle died and leave considerable amount of money, just luck we have a glance of thought. And there are examples of success there is no luck at all only pure, fair and hard work. Persons achieved such success should be example for all young and not so peoples.
In my opinion we should take in account all possibilities and in doing some business we should be ready for all possible things which can prevent our plans. Nevertheless we are not a God and can’t predict all plots can happen and here we have hope and luck. But not kind of hope I’m doing nothing and believe that, for instance I pass my exam, it is foolish wait for some supernatural strength help us. Us I think in such cases I should realize that punishment is imminent, even after six my friends did alike and it has worked.
Finally, I want give a formula for success. It is ten percent of luck and ninety percent of our success is our hard work with our week points and improvement our strength point. That is my opinion about luck in our live.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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