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Some people prefer to live in small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:18
The choice where to live people makes using personal features and opposing on their ambition. I would prefer big town or small city, something middle between big city and small town. As you right noticed I would like get advantages of both type of communities. We know that life goes quiet and slow in small towns and in big cities temp of life is stunning and too quick. As features I have mentioned influence way person should move his life, I wouldn’t like neither my life was slow and maybe boring some times nor to quick giving me low time for myself. All mentioned are rather mental state of the question, there is another side of it, I would call it out factors, like abilities to career in big cities are much better, instead small town keeps the stress I call it luck of time (as in a big city) away from you, environment are more favorable for health also in small towns.
So, as was stated above, we should find golden middle choosing place to live. We should live in town or city which suits to our way of live and our queries to live. I would choose little city or big town because I am not man of career and I like quiet lifestyle. I think some career I can make in little city and I don’t want to drown in my work and in big cities I think people should be predators to be successful. One can object saying you can live in big city and you not ought to be shark of business or something alike. But dear my, would you like to be person without ambition, have a number of chiefs, saying another word to be a pawn. I don’t think so. In another hand would you like forgot all and work days and night for being major.
What with small towns? Well, the problem they are small and living there for a long time will seems like in prison, no variety all the same. If you are creative person you would say we can do something with that boredom, but how long it will work. Another point is people in small towns are friendlier they have time to be smiled to be more human. And that is very hard reason for small town. But we can conclude that in little cities we still can find friendly people.
Good pattern for living may be next. Then you are young you can live in big city, young people like dynamical lifestyle, they like pose the goal and work to attain it, they like quick stream of live, they are comfortable in this interesting life. And then people become older they tend to peaceful and calm family life. To achieve this purpose I think small town, may be native town there you was grown is ideal place to live.
In conclusion I would say that people actually can live everywhere. Main point is to find some harmony with world around you.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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