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Academic Writing
Here I will place my summaries, critical summaries and other stuff I were suppose to write during the course "Academic Writing"
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Do you agree or disagree with following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:17
In my opinion television has not destroyed communication between peoples and I think it will never be able to do it. I think, now television became more source of information than entertainment. People watch TV in low portions. It is easier to say computers and internet able damage relation among peoples but even that statement is too noisy. It is not destroying rather change it. We have just new kind of conversation, which now is about films we saw yesterday, our favorite TV serial. I hear no such talk like: my son is watching TV all day long. Last argument I always emphasize we achieve just things that we want to have. If parents lost contact with their child that is not fault of the screen, they just not communicate with son or daughter not enough time and as a result their child have another sores of communication. If some boy or girl has no friends that caused in most cases not people don’t want communicate with him or her, it is person choice close its world on television.
Let us talk about things stated above more. First I say was that TV losing its influence on people. They turn their sight to new inventions like computer, internet. The television became middle player in people’s leisure time. I have many friends who say that they don’t watch TV at all, they have other tools to waste their time and some of them I must say are live conversations with friends.
Second point is that TV change our conversations, give some new themes like for example did you see “Dance with stars”, who is off. And people talk they have some kind of communication schemes. It is differ from conversation we had fifty years ago, when was no wide television.
Finally, relations between people depend on people not on television. I suggest people who say television is destroying our communication just want find third person to put all fault on and television is great candidate for this part. Television invented not to improve our communication but for our development, watching some films and shows another question quality of those shows.
Summarizing, I want emphasize television can’t destroy our communication with our parents, friends, but we can. And we must avoid this destruction, because if don’t some day we pronounce thought like TV destroyed relations with my friend. You should agree it is ridiculous blame something for ours mistakes.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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