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Мої есе для TOEFL'a
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Academic Writing
Here I will place my summaries, critical summaries and other stuff I were suppose to write during the course "Academic Writing"
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If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer
[ ] 12.02.2008, 22:14
We have a beautiful town but we must do many things to make it more attractive. There are a lot of things which, I think, need to be changed in my city. That is for example I would repair the fronts of old building, do something with garbage or solve transport problem in the city, there is also many other problems. Now let’s drop this political approach and say since we have one thing to be spoken which we can emphasize is really important. I think I would change our transportation system, because it is very serious. At rushes hour there are a crowds of people who need to go to the job or go home, and can’t do it normally without waiting for an hours or jostling into the twice filled mashrutkas. I must say in such moments you feeling as a salmon in the tin, but salmon are dead already and people must breathe in such close place. After such adventure I doubt those people will they do their best while working or does they bring some nice atmosphere to their houses. Such gloomy people can’t create friendly oriented society.
That is not only reason to make transportation main problem. Since we have such numbers of passengers we have a number of buses and as a result our rather narrow streets are filled with auto transport, which makes traffic jams through all over city. Consequences caused by process like that are harmful for economic of town and not only. Goods are doesn’t delivered in time, people late to work and not only people who use public transportation. And finally, roads are overloaded and here another problem ways are in awful conditions, that is more money for repairing. As we see many problems caused by lack of normal transporting infrastructure can be solved by solving this main problem. And what we might to do with that?
In my opinion we can do following things to make it better. First of all we can develop alternative ways of transportation, not stuck only on main streets, as it is now, I notice while going with different buses lines through the town, almost all of them going through one or two streets. Then it can be developed some other modes of public transportation, for example trams to connect remoted town districts. Although subway is, I think, nice idea. In that way it can reduce passenger flow and transportation became easier.
Well, I think problem I highlighted is important at least, may be there are more important problems but one I told about have right to consider and as for me solution of this problem can give my city more amenities for its inhabitants. And silent, quiet streets makes the city more attractive to tourist and just guests.

Категорія: Мої есе для TOEFL'a | Додав(ла): volfy
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