Then my brother said me that main line of the film “Before sunrise” is long promenade of couple, who meet each other in the train I thought it must be boring picture. I should confess at start of the film I don’t like it too much. I like movies of action thread of event which shows something or forces spectator to think quickly about events on screen. Opposite to films like that in “Before sunrise” action goes fluently and calm. It’s relaxing film. This is the story about couple that met in the train. They felt some connection and friendliness amongst them. They decide to walk across the Vienna. They were just speaking about all things. We see they fall in love and it is great, wonderful process falling in love. Wish I can do like they did. That so stardust see person for about fifteen may be twenty hours but you sure that it is your person for rest of your live sent to you from your destiny. But after this height and romantic people strike with strict reality. That is fall after flight. They realize that they can’t be together, they lives in different world. This is cod reality. Celine and Jesse decide don’t think about farewell, they enjoying theirs fillings. It’s so sad. After I saw this film I realized that main action is not on the screen it’s inside of this man and woman and in their relations between them and theirs look for the world. This interior action is very dynamic and far stronger then author could show from outside. Film idea is original and subtle. End of the film gives us information to be thought about. Do that young people met each other after six month and do they will still in love. This film is simple and subtle with authors’ soul inside.